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Beaverton School District
Beaverton School District

Beaverton Schools

Upgrade Logo

UpGrade Program is a high school prep program for 7th and 8th grade students that offers individualized support in a small class setting with a maximum of 10 students per class and 40 students per participating school.1  The UpGrade serves two 7th grade and two 8th grade elective classes each day, with continued mentorship and academic support within their core classes. The UpGrade mentors are an integral part of each school site’s Behavior Health & Wellness teams and will meet per the schedule set for their school.

There are three areas of focus in the UpGrade program:

  1. Academic Growth
  2. Academic Engagement
  3. Career & College Exploration

ENTERING the UpGrade Program

A referred UpGrade student is navigating one or more of the following:

  • Failing one or more core class(es) or receiving D’s in most classes
  • Low attendance
  • Struggles to turn assignments in/on time
  • Struggles with organization and time management
  • In need of support building skills to self-advocate

Step 1

Eligible students and families are Introduced to the program through the school counselor and the program teacher.

Step 2

Interested students schedule an interview for entry into the program.

Step 3

Students and families are notified of acceptance into the program at the start of the semester.

EXITING the UpGrade Program

A student's successful participation in the program will experience improved self-advocacy,  ownership of learning as evidenced by:

  • Improvement of grades and attendance
  • The ability to speak to a clear connection between high school and career opportunities

1 Current participating schools: Meadow Park, Mountain View and Whitford Middle School