School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving
Strategic Plan Outcome: Every Student Feels Safe
Strategic Plan Measure: % of Students reporting they have been bullied at school
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely):On the end of the year student survey, the percentage of students self-reporting that they have been bullied a lot at school this year will decrease from 8% to 0%.
Available Leading Indicators for the Measure: Discipline U-IDS030 (Violation count over time - need to filter for bullying and harassment), School-based student survey.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Create school-wide structures that intentionally build safe and inclusive learning environments.
- School Wide Messaging using Assemblies, Role Play/Videos, and Principal’s Morning Announcements
- Classroom Lessons- Teach defintion, what to do, and role play scenarios
- Parent Education
School Wide Messaging using Assemblies, Role Play/Videos, and Principal’s Morning Announcements
Classroom Lessons- Teach defintion, what to do, and role play scenarios
Parent Education
Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Foundations of Success
Strategic Plan Outcome: 01. Each student demonstrates proficiency on math numeracy learning targets by the end of third grade.
Strategic Plan Measure:% of 3rd graders demonstrating proficiency on the state Math assessment.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): By the end of June 2025, 70% of our 3rd-5th grade students will demonstrate proficiency on the state Math test from 60% the previous school year.
Available Leading Indicators for this Measure: OSAS, STAR, Dreambox
Strategic Plan Strategy: Implement strong tier 1 practices and routines on mathematical numeracy and fact fluency.
- Weekly PLC Time dedicated for teachers to meet and review data based on current state standards on Math being taught in the classroom.
- Individual grade-level teams will determine PD options that will support student learning.