School Handbook
- School Attendance Hours
- Building and Teacher Work Hours
- Arrival Procedures
- Dismissal Procedures
- Parking Lot Expectations and Procedures
- After School Plan
- School Bus
- Bicycles/Skateboards/Scooters/Wheelies
- Emergency Scheduling
- Attendance/Tardies
- Health Information
- Healthy Snacks and Lunches
- Nutrition Services
- Home/School Communication
- Student Apparel
- Money/Treats/Toys/Animals/Cell Phones/Smart Watches
- Field Trips
- Class Parties and Birthday Information
- Child Care
- Student Behavior Expectations
- Problem Solving
- Quick Rules for a Safe Playground
- Parent-Teacher Club (PTC)
- Volunteers
School Attendance Hours
Building and Teacher Work Hours
Arrival Procedures
For the safety of our students, students that are parent drop off, walkers and bike riders are not to arrive before 8:10 am. Bus riders arrive at 8:00 am because the school buses need to leave earlier to pick up middle school students. School Entrance doors do not open until 8:10am. We do not have space or the supervision for all students to safely line up outside the doors until 8:10 am.
Breakfast begins at 8:00 am for bus students, for walkers, and parent drop-off. Students getting breakfast need to line up at the front door of the building.
Students should be in their classroom by 8:15 am.
Traffic Flow Map
Dismissal Procedures
2:50pm: K-1st grade walkers are dismissed out the outside classroom door. Parent Pick-up wait outside the classroom door, teachers will release students. K-1st grade bus students will be dismissed by bus number and by daycare names.
2:50 pm: ISC & 2nd-5th grade walkers are dismissed out the outside classroom door. Parent Pick-up wait outside the classroom door, teachers will release students. 2nd-5th grade bus students will be dismissed by daycare names and bus numbers. ISC students that ride a bus will be escorted out by staff.
All students should go directly home at the end of the school day. School supervision ends 10 minutes after dismissal. Students are expected to be picked up or gone from the school campus by this time unless they are participating in a school-sponsored after-school activity.
If a bus is late, the students will stand in the bus line designated in the front of the school. If it is raining, the students will stand under cover or in the main halls at the designated line up area.
Due to safety reasons- Rock Creek does not have a drive-thru pick up. Parents need to park and pick up their students outside the classroom door.
Traffic Flow Map
Parking Lot Expectations and Procedures
For safety reasons, we strongly encourage parents to have students ride the bus to school. (Our parking lot is small & not designed for a lot of car traffic.)
If you must drop off your child in the morning, please observe the following:
- Use right lane to drop off.
- Use the left lane as a thru lane to reach the lower parking lot and then park and walk across to the school. When crossing the lane to reach the school, please cross ONLY at the crosswalk.
- When you use the right lane (drop-off lane), always pull as far forward as possible before dropping off your student.
- Your student should ALWAYS exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle.
ALWAYS be on the lookout for kids.
ALWAYS travel at a safe speed 3 MPH.
ALWAYS back out carefully from parking spaces.
Please refrain from talking on your cell phone while driving on school property.
If you must pick up your child in the afternoon, please observe the following
Park & Pick Up:
- Before 2:50 pm, please park in a legal, designated parking spot.
- Go to your child's outside classroom door and wait for the teacher to release your child. Please pick up your youngest child first. There is NO student pick-up in the school lobby.
After School Plan
On the enrollment form, parents are asked to list before and after school care arrangements for each student. If these arrangements change, PARENTS/GUARDIANS MUST ADVISE THE SCHOOL IN WRITING.
If a parent chooses to email the teacher, please email the office- Head Secretary Jessica Vogel and Assistant Secretary Maria de Lourdes Bosquez to make sure that the office is aware of the change, too. If a student goes anywhere other than straight home from school, please keep the school informed in writing as to where the child should be going after school.
The school phone may not be used for making after school arrangements. This needs to be done prior to the beginning of the school day.
School Bus
For those students that live beyond Rock Creek Boulevard or across 185th avenue, bus transportation is provided. Students should be at the bus stop five minutes before their scheduled time.
Students will need a note from the parent and need to check with the driver if they plan to ride a different bus or if they plan to get off at a stop other than their normal stop. All notes must be signed by office staff before boarding.
Bus Expectations
The Rock Creek bus rider rises up to the challenge of being people who respect, influence, stay safe and empathize.
- Use soft voices
- Use appropriate language
- Keep hands, feet and backpack to yourself and out of the aisle
- Wait your turn to board and exit the bus
- Be ready to get off at your stop
- Keep your backpack on your lap with items inside
Stay Safe
- Sit with your back to the seat
- Walk inside the white line
- Share your seat with others
- Leave the bus as you found it
If your child rides a bike to school, please provide a helmet and sturdy lock and chain. The school is not responsible for bicycles that are stolen or damaged. Bicycles must be placed in the bike rack at the south end of the school. Students are to "walk" their bicycles while they are on school grounds.
Skateboards, scooters wheelies are not to be ridden at school because of concerns for safety and security.
Emergency Scheduling
Snow Days: Delayed Opening or School Closure
School closure or delayed start decisions will typically be communicated to media outlets and posted on the District website, Facebook and Twitter by 5:30 a.m.
On a two-hour delayed school day Rock Creek will open at 10:15 am. Buses will operate two hours late on normal routes. Rock Creek does not have designated snow routes.
Breakfast will not be served, lunch will be served at the regularly scheduled times.
Emergency Closure
Parents were asked to determine, at the beginning of the school year, specific details and information about where children are to go in the event of an emergency. In the event of an emergency closure when school is in session, teachers will refer to the Unforeseen Early Closure Plan completed by parents. Parents should also share this information with children to help reduce anxiety, as it will be impossible to notify each parent by phone.
Sending a Child Home
A child is never sent home from school during a school day without specific parental permission (see Emergency Closure above for exception). Students must check in and out through the office when leaving school early or arriving after 8:15 am.
Regular school attendance is extremely important. Your child should be in school, on time, every day all day unless there is an illness.
It is essential that classes begin promptly at 8:15 am. Children should be in their classrooms at that time. Students that arrive after 8:15 am should check in at the office, with a note from their parents, before going to class. Tardiness interrupts the instruction that starts the day. Please be on time!
All tardies will be documented on the report card. Late arrivals due to bus delays are not considered tardies.
All absences require communication from parent/guardian stating the reason for the absence within 24 hours for the absence to be excused.
If a student will be absent, it is the parent’s responsibility to call the attendance hotline at (503) 356-2450 after selecting English or Spanish press 1 for attendance before 8:45 a.m.
Please state student name, teacher name, reason for absence and expected days of absence.If we don’t hear from you, an automated call will be made in the AM and PM to notify you of your child’s absence.
To protect their health and the health of others, student with fevers greater than 100.4° F may return only when fever-free for 24 hours (WITHOUT use of fever-reducing medicine). Students that are vomiting or have diarrhea may return 24 hours after the last episode. This is a District policy.
When it becomes necessary for students to be absent from school other than for illness (doctor’s appointments, etc.), contact the school office.
Health Information
Immunization Requirements
State law requires that all children in public and private schools, preschools, Head Start, and certified child care facilities have up-to-date immunizations, or have religious or medical exemption.
Parents or guardians will receive a letter in early February if their child’s immunization record shows that they have not received the required vaccinations. Children will not be able to attend school or childcare if their records show missing immunizations.
If you have questions or need correct dates, contact your doctor or the County Health Department a (503) 648-8881.
Illness or Accident at School
If a student becomes ill or injured at school, every effort is made to contact parents or other designated persons. In case of an emergency, we will call 911 and emergency treatment will be pursued.
If a child needs medication during the school day, a parent must:
- Bring medication to the school office in a pharmacist’s container that states the student’s name, dosage and time of day, prescription number and doctor’s name.
- Complete a medical authorization form. Non-prescription medication can be given without a doctor’s written instructions, as long as it is brought to school by a parent, in the original container with age-appropriate administration instructions.
Head Lice Policy
(BSD code: JHCCF adopted 5/14/18)
A student with a suspected case of head lice maybe referred to designated trained staff for a screening. The screening will be done in a confidential manner by trained personnel. School personnel will notify the parent or guardian of a student found with head lice and provide information on appropriate treatment. The student will be allowed to remain in school.
Healthy Snacks and Lunches
We ask students to bring a water bottle for the classroom. Only water is allowed in classrooms, no soda, no juice or energy drinks.
Suggestions for Packing Healthy Lunches
If students chose to pack their lunch it is very important that the student and parents work together to pack healthy lunches.
The Food & Nutrition Services Dept. discourages parents from bringing in non-nutritious “fast- food” from outside establishments.
Students should avoid packing non-nutritious foods in their lunches (i.e. candy, poptarts) but rather include more healthy options. Please avoid sending soda, energy drinks or high sugar content snacks with your students.
Home Packed Lunch Suggestions: (Cold, refreshing, nutritious low fat milk (1%, skim) can be purchased at school.
- Meat or cheese sandwiches
- Cheese with whole wheat crackers or bagel
- Fresh vegetables with dip
- Pretzels, crackers, bagels,
- Muffins
- Granola bars
- Dried fruit
- Pudding or fruited yogurt cup
- Cottage cheese and fresh fruit
Nutrition Services
School Meals & Nutrition Standards
Nutrition Services serves meals that meet USDA nutrient standards every school day at all sites. At breakfast, students are offered 4 servings from 3 food groups (fruit, whole grains, LF/NF dairy), and students must take 3 servings for the meal to be considered a” complete” meal.
At lunch, students are offered foods from 5 different food groups, (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, LF/NF dairy & protein). They must take 3 of the 5 servings, and 1 of the servings must include at least a ½ cup of fruit or vegetables for the meal to be “complete”.
Meal Times
- Breakfast is served daily between 8:00 am and 8:15 am
- Lunch is served between 10:45 am and 12:45 pm
Menu and Meal Prices
Menus and meal prices can be found on the Nutrition Services website.
Free & Reduced Price Meal Benefits
Families may complete one application for meal benefits for all students in their household. Meal benefits online application and instructions are available on the Nutrition Services website.
Paper copies will also be available in the school office, cafeteria, or from the Nutrition Services Meal Benefits office.
The application process and each student’s meal benefit status are completely confidential. Families may apply for meal benefits at any time throughout the school year, even up to the last day of school. However, a new application is required for each school year.
For more information, please call the Nutrition Services Meal Benefits Office at (503) 259-8427.
The Multilingual Department is also available to assist with translation services and can be reached at (503) 672-3715.
Student Meal Accounts & Making Meal Payments
Each student is assigned their own individual meal account, which they can access using a Personal Identification Number (PIN). The meal account is a debit account, so students must deposit money into their account before they can purchase meals. Parents may deposit money into their student’s account by any of the following methods:
- Making payments online. Parents can register and log onto to deposit funds with a nominal fee. They can also monitor account balances and set-up low-balance emails at no charge online or via the toll free number. More information about registering for a free Schoolcafe account is available on the Nutrition Services website.
- Sending cash or a check made out to the school café. When making a payment, please indicate your student’s first and last name, along with their PIN, on the memo line of the check. It’s best to deliver the payments directly to Nutrition Services staff in the cafeteria so that the payments can be applied before the next meal.
- In emergencies, students can charge a meal, but are limited to charging up to the cost of three lunches. When account balances get low, or each time a student charges, they will receive a verbal reminder that the account balance is getting low and/or is negative. Each time a charge is made, an automated voice mail message will be sent from the District to the parents/guardian, informing them of the amount that is owed (please note that it is parent/guardian's’ responsibility to ensure the school has a current phone number on file). After three charges, the cashier will give students an “emergency meal” of a fruits & vegetables and a carton of milk, in lieu of the complete meal.
Please see the information above regarding easy ways to track your student’s meal balance. Whenever your student graduates to the next level or transfers to another school within BSD, their account balance will transfer too.
Meal Etiquette
Health department regulations stipulate that students should wash their hands before eating and are not allowed to share any portion of their meals. Students are expected to clean up after themselves, return trays to the proper location, recycle appropriate items, and dispose of garbage in the waste.
Home/School Communication
Messages from School
The Beaverton School District and Rock Creek use ParentSquare to relay almost all information. Please make sure we have your current email address. Please do not block RKCRK communications. Children will sometimes deliver messages, newsletters and important notes from school to home. Please help us by checking your child’s backpack on a daily basis.
Monthly lunch menus are posted on the Nutrition Services website and are Posted by the school cafeteria doors.
The Rocketeer Newsletter is sent electronically on Thursdays by ParentSquare and posted on the Rock Creek website.
Messages to Students during School Hours
Only emergency messages can be relayed to students by the office staff. Every time the office has to relay a parent message, instruction time is interrupted. We cannot guarantee that students will get messages received after 2:00 pm so please discuss after school plans with your child before they leave for school each morning.
Do not leave urgent student messages on teacher voicemail during the school day. Students will NOT be called out of class except in emergencies.
Student Telephone Use
Students are allowed to use the telephone only for emergencies. Going home with a friend after school or staying for activities must be prearranged. Students are not allowed to use the phone to arrange play dates .
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 14th & November 15th
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences: May 1st & 2nd
These Conference days are non-school days for students.
Report Cards
Rock Creek is on a semester reporting schedule and will have two grading periods. Report cards will be available on ParentVue in February and June.
Student Apparel
Rock Creek has no formal dress code. Students are encouraged to practice healthy grooming habits, because good grooming fosters poise and self-assurance.
Students should differentiate between “play clothes” and “school clothes”.
Following is a list of clothing items NOT appropriate for school:
- Clothing displaying inappropriate comments or remarks
- Spaghetti straps
- “Sagging” pants
- Short skirts or shorts
- Halter tops
- Half-shirts or shirts exposing midriff
- Wheelie shoes
Students need to have PE/Recess appropriate shoes every day.
Money/Treats/Toys/Animals/Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Students should not have money in school except as needed for meals, or purchases from the book fair.
Students are discouraged from bringing candy and soda to school. Chewing gum is NOT allowed at school or on the bus. No Birthday Treats for classrooms due to allergies and equity.
Toys (including footballs, basketballs, soccer balls etc.) are to be left at home. This includes any type of playing/trading cards, balls, dolls and electronic toys etc. (Teacher discretion for students use of fidgets from home). No personal toys/balls at recess at any time. Any toy that represents a weapon is NOT to be brought to school ever. If found, it will be confiscated and parents will be notified.
Latex balloons are not allowed in school. No balloons are allowed on the bus.
Animals are NOT to be brought to school unless arrangements are made for a brief sharing time.
Cell Phones
Cell phones, Smart Watches and other electronic devices are not to be brought to school. If your family needs you to have a phone for safety, it must be turned off and put away as soon as you arrive at school. If you bring out your phone/smart watch or use it at school, an adult will take it away. Your parent will need to come to the office and pick it up.
Field Trips
Teachers will occasionally plan learning experiences outside of the school building. These could involve visits to farms, museums and local landmarks.
Parents will be asked to assist teachers during these outings, but because of District insurance policies, preschool siblings cannot join students on field trips. Parents will be asked to fill out a field trip permission slip for each student.
Class Parties and Birthday Information
Room Parties
There are two room parties held during the school year:
- Fall Party: 10/31/24- No Costumes
- Friendship Parties:2/14/25
Room parents plan parties with teacher’s guidance. District wellness guidelines will be followed regarding treats. The Beaverton School district has banned any products using latex due to potential allergies. As a result, we can not have latex balloons, band-aids, gloves etc. in our building or school grounds. Volunteers are not to bring preschool siblings.
Private Invitations/Birthday Treats
Birthday treats /prizes not to be brought to school.
Due to student allergies, equity and the number of birthdays we celebrate each month we do not allow birthday treats/prizes at school. We will however, be recognizing and celebrating birthdays on their special day in other special ways!
We also ask that private birthday party invitations or other type of private invitations NOT be delivered and distributed at school. This can lead to hurt feelings among students. Please make an effort to deliver these important messages in another manner.
Thank you for your cooperation. It is greatly appreciated.
Child Care
The teacher requires a written record of each student’s before and after school daycare arrangements. A parent or guardian must provide this information at the beginning of the school year. If these arrangements change, the school must be notified in writing.
Rock Creek School provides the following childcare information as a resource only for families and does not constitute an endorsement of any of the mentioned providers.
Mari's Little Lambs (An outside entity that leases our portable from the District, not affiliated with Rock Creek) offers on-site care for Rock Creek students from 3:05pm until 5:30 pm each school day. For more information, please call (503-643-9059 ext. 201).
A short list of childcare providers in the area is available in the school lobby.
Student Behavior Expectations
In order to provide the excellent learning atmosphere that all Rock Creek students deserve, the Rock Creek student shall observe the following:
Looks Like
- Use appropriate language
- Use good manners
- Follow directions the first time
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Honor personal space
- Respect others' work
Sounds Like
- Appropriate speaking volume
- “Please”
- “Thank you”
- “I’m sorry”
- “May I borrow your ___?”
Looks Like
- Use strategies to solve small problems
- Ask adults for help with big problems
- Be open minded to new things
Sounds Like
- “Can you help me?”
- “I feel___when___.”
- “It bothers me when ___. Please stop.”
- “We can do this. Let’s keep trying.”
Stay Safe
Looks Like
- Walk at all times
- Ask permission and go directly to your destination
Sounds Like
- “May I go to _____?”
- “I’m in a hurry, but I know I need to walk.”
Looks Like
- Include everyone
- Help others when they need it
Sounds Like
- “Do you want to join us?”
- “Great Job!”
- “Can I help you?”
- “Are you OK?”
Problem Solving
When children experience difficulties with each other, the following Problem Solving Plan is encouraged.
Try at least two of the following ideas if you are having a small problem:
- Go to a different game
- Share and take turns
- Talk it out
- Walk away
- Ignore it
- Tell them to stop
- Apologize
- Make a deal
- Wait and cool off
Quick Rules for a Safe Playground
- Students are to play in designated field areas only.
- Kick or throw only footballs and soccer balls on grass fields. Do not throw balls at people. No sports balls from home.
- Throw only balls. Objects such as bark dust, rocks, sticks and snowballs need to be left on the ground.
- Collect all grade level equipment when the whistle blows.
- Use playground equipment safely, i.e. no standing or sitting on the bars, no playing tag on big toys, no climbing up the slides and two hands on the bars at all times.
- Swings are for swinging only (bottoms on swing). Please swing back and forth and not side to side.
- Avoid tackling, pile on, wrestling, shoving, or rough physical contact.
- Common sense rules. Students should try to work out conflicts in their own games. Ask for help if needed.
- The playground needs to remain free of food, candy and gum. If it is snack time for your class, sit on the bench and eat before playing.
- Obtain a pass from a duty teacher if you need to leave the playground for any reason.
- Have fun and help others have fun!
Looks Like
- Include everyone in game
- Follow the rules of the games
- Play nicely with others at all times
- Keep the playground clean
- When whistle/bell sounds, follow directions
- Return equipment when finished
Sounds Like
- “Do you want to play?”
- “Please”
- “Thank you”
- “Excuse me.”
- Return equipment when finished
- “Maybe the teacher can help us.”
- “It’s time to clean up.”
Looks Like
- Use strategies to solve small problems
- Ask an adult for help with big problems
- Follow the judge’s decision
Sounds Like
- “I feel ____ when ____. Please stop.”
- Stop, walk, talk
- “Can you help me?”
Stay Safe
Looks Like
- Walk on all paved surfaces
- Use equipment safely
- Report unidentified visitors
- Notify duty teachers of injuries
- Stay within activity boundaries
- Get permission from duty teacher before leaving area
- Leave nature where it belongs
- Freeze and hands on knees for the whistle
Sounds Like
- “May I go to the restroom?”
- “Remember, keep nature in its place.”
- “Three points of contact on the bars.”
- “Someone’s been hurt.”
Looks Like
- Include everyone
- Use great sportsmanship skills
- Help others when they need it
Sounds Like
- “Do you want to play?”
- Great job! Way to go!
- “Can I help you?”
Parent-Teacher Club (PTC)
Rock Creek’s active Parent-Teacher Club (PTC) is in charge of fundraising and other activities that benefit students. You are encouraged to participate. All parents are members of the PTC and are encouraged to attend monthly meetings and get involved in the school.
Feel free to contact the school or any PTC board member:
- President: Beth Keebler
- 1st Vice President:Open
- 2nd Vice President: Chelsea Fisher
- Secretary: Open
- Treasurer:Open
- Communications Chair: Laurel Arenivar and Alison Reta
- Volunteer Coordinators: Allison Pedersen
- Past President: Marianthe Tufts
Volunteers play a vital role in meeting the individual needs of many youngsters, assisting in the media center, classrooms and resource room. No experience is required, just a willingness to help and a desire to do what is best for students. All volunteers that work in the school or help with any activities need to have a background check run before they can volunteer. Volunteers will need to complete an application, which can be found on the Volunteer Website.
Volunteers should not bring younger siblings and babies to school when they are scheduled to volunteer. It is a safety issue. It is distracting in the classroom and other areas and causes disruption when there are additional children in a classroom or other learning space.
Rock Creek Volunteers exercise the following:
The job is voluntary; the commitment is professional. Volunteers work with staff and maintain an attitude of mutual respect and confidence.
Dependability & Punctuality
Students and staff rely on volunteers. Please contact the school if you are unable to volunteer on your scheduled day.
Volunteers must protect the teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. You must not disclose school affairs or personal matters which may come to your attention. Please respect student’s privacy and do not question students that are in the office or health room. Discuss problems or concerns only with the teacher, volunteer coordinator, or Principal.